Announcing Steampunk for Age of Steam!

New Map! Steampunk

New Age of Steam map available for pre-order!

After a full year of design and development, we are very excited to announce that we have officially opened pre-orders for our newest work, Age of Steam: Steampunk! For customers attending either Pax Unplugged 2023 or Tokyo Game Market 2023 Fall, event pick-up is also available. All other pre-orders will begin shipping worldwide mid-December.

In this 3-player-only map, players represent crafty inventors in a fictional steampunk world, aspiring to impress the renowned Inventors Guild with innovative ideas and groundbreaking discoveries. Included with the game are six dual-colored Cities (Workshop tiles), each of which will rotate clockwise at the end of every turn, alternating which color cubes may be delivered to their respective sides. Players vie for end-game points using a unique voting system, which will influence the way that Track is built and how money is valued each game. Designed to play in just 90-120 minutes with fewer turns than standard 3-player maps, Age of Steam: Steampunk is sure to be enjoyable and challenging for both new players and seasoned veterans alike!

Age of Steam: Steampunk offers a tense and engaging gameplay experience, featuring innovative gear-like City tiles and end-game-point voting mechanics. It includes six high-quality, full-color Workshop tiles on punchboard, the Steampunk game board in two-parts on 11 x 17″ 80# silk poster cover stock, and rule sheet(s) in your choice of English, Japanese, and/or German. Each player will need to think carefully about how they build their Track, which Town connections they make, and how to prioritize Special Action selection to come out on top as the most celebrated inventor of the age!


デザインと開発に1年を費やした最新作「蒸気の時代: スチームパンク」の予約受付を開始しました。米国「パックス・アンプラグド2023」または日本「東京ゲームマーケット2023秋」イベントに参加されるお客様は、現地での受け取りも可能です。その他の注文は、12月中旬より全世界に発送予定です。


「蒸気の時代:スチームパンク」は、歯車のような革新的な都市タイルと、ゲーム終了時の投票メカニズムを特徴とし、緊張感のあるプレイ体験を提供します。このゲームには、高品質フルカラーの紙製ワークショップタイル6枚と、シルク印刷のマップ2枚組(11 x 17インチ)、そして英語・日本語・ドイツ語から選べるルールシートが含まれます。線路をどう敷設するか、どの町に接続するか、特別アクションをどのタイミングでどう選択するか。プレイヤーはこれらを慎重に考え、このスチームパンク時代に最も有名な発明家としてトップに立つ必要があるのです!

Oh, hi there! ☄️

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